If you use pinup popper you can scroll through the fruit machine lists and it shows an image of each one. Machines/roms are installed within C:\MFME\v20\Fruits Curated (I like to keep just the machines I am play rather than go for every machine ever made - still have 70 machines though.) This was the nicest (easiest) solution/hack I found to not having to use a mouse. To configure it I ran multiple machines in MFME - when a notes window pops up you refresh the Closer app - select the window you want to close (TLayoutNotes) and add it to the list. Press the escape key to acknowledge the note and pinup popper auto closes MFME. Reason I did this is PinUpPopper and MFME both use the escape key. The purpose of this is to close the notes file that appears when you launch certain fruit machines. I am running the Windows Closer app at launch.
Not pretty - probably a much better way of doing it but it works reliably (so far).
Taskkill /f /im 'Multiple Fruit Machine Emulator' START '' 'Launch\display.exe' /device 1 /rotate 0 START '' 'Launch\VPXSTARTER.exe' 5 1 30 'MFME*' START '' 'Launch\display.exe' /device 1 /rotate 90 Window Closer - automatically closes the notes window popups.
Rotate Display - to rotate the screen for MFME (and then rotate it back again) So I am added the following two apps to my install of baller installer ( ).